Saturday, May 1, 2021

Folding Mirrors on the Cheap!

Over the years, I've lost two mirrors to damage while riding single track on dual sport events. The first was an event in North Carolina (Suzuki DR650) and the second was at the Perry Mountain Tower Run in Stanton, Alabama (Kawasaki KLX250). When rolling on the tight single track in many of these locations, it's common to catch a mirror on trees and branches. Most often it survives, sometimes not.

Since many of these tracks include both pavement and offroad trail, mirrors are necessary and, quite frankly, there are times I like to have mirrors out on the trails to keep an eye on what's going on behind. However, for all other times the answer is simply folding mirrors

There are a number of folding dual sport mirror options, some very expensive. I like to keep my hobby on the cheap.

Most recently, I purchased as set of dual sport mirrors off Amazon for under $30 and added some improvement for another $5.

These mirrors are my second set, the other set I let go with my KLX250. They are identical to another model that I liked called DRC 161 Offroad Mirrors (PN# 058-16-110) that run around $30, each. 

These mirrors, like the DRC are tight fitting (locktite @ base recommended) with minimal vibration interference. However, the folding feature on both models required a 4mm hex key. That make folding up and down rather inconvenient.

A very easy mod is to purchase a package of M6 knobs; $5 bucks for 5 on Amazon ... you'll find that a set of two costs the same or more. The mod also requires replacement of the basic 25mm bolt to 30-35mm. This modification results in quick-convenient operation of the mirror elbow.

Ready for the 2021 Tower Run!